Membership Application Form

When applying, please enter the following information and then click the “Send” button.

Applying by post

When applying by post, download an application form.

Applying by Internet

Please fill in each items and click the accept bottom.

    Sort of member (MUST)

    (Please check one)

    Name of University, Company, Organization etc


    (Contact person)

    Outline of Business(MUST)


    Please check the categories (multiple Choices) of your interest in the objectives (1) - (7) Article 3 , rules of Association.
    Click here of confirmation the rule

    Inquiries to:
    Regenerative medicine &Cell therapy industrialization network of Kanagawa Secretariatc/oKSP, Inc, , W304 KSP 3-2-1 Sakado,Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki-city, Kanagawa 213-0012, JAPAN Tel:+81-44-819-2001


    1. Please send the application form to the following secretariat by mail.
    2. Please fill in the name of the representative in this project (or a person with authority equivalent to this for the representative).
    3. For individuals wishing to join, please fill in the Representative field and contact person field, leaving the Name of University, Company, Organization etc blank.
    4. The information entered in this application form will be used only for membership procedures and operation after admission.