RINK Kick off Forum (October 27, 2016)

RINK Kick off Forum was held on October 27, 2016.


[Opening Speech]

Kenji Shuto , MD,MPH

Special Assistant to the Governor,

Kanagawa Prefectural Government


[Opening Speech]

Hirohiko Tsuzuki

Board Member (Representative),

Regenerative medicine & Cell therapy industrialization network of Kanagawa

Senoir Technical Advisor,

Cellular Dynamics International Japan Co., Ltd.


[Keynote Speech]

Kentaro Yamaguchi

Director General of Healthcare New Frontier Promotion, Kanagawa Prefectural Government.


Outline of the “Regenerative medicine & Cell therapy industrialization network of Kanagawa “


[Special Speech]

Yoji Sato, PhD

Head, Division of Cell-Based Therapeutic Products National Institute of Health Sciences


“The role of Regulatory Science in of an industrialization Regenerative medicine & Cell therapy”


[Special Speech]

Masaya Nakamura, MD, PhD


School of Medicine, Keio University

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery


“ Realization of regenerative medicine for spinal cord injury”


After the event, we will have a Networking Party !
