9月24日(火) RINK World Seminar 開催のお知らせ



初の海外イベントRINK World Seminar @LIC【9月24日(火)】のお知らせ


この度、RINK初の海外イベントRINK World Seminar @LIC を9月24日に開催いたします。




RINK will co-organize with JETRO a seminar on the theme of Global Trend in Regenerative Medicine Industry.

This seminar will bring five special guest speakers from the UK, US, Germany and Korea. They will be explaining

their own business strategies and comments about the Global Trend (including the Japanese market) in

Regenerative Medicine Industry. The purpose of the seminar is to understand the Global Trend in recent years,

as well as the differences and similarities between each country’s business. We hope that this seminar will provide

the platform to build strong connections between our members and special guests from overseas.


【日時】2019年9月24日(火) 15時30分 ~ 18時30分(※18:30~交流会あり)

【場所】ライフイノベーションセンター(LIC)  4階会議室(神奈川県川崎市川崎区殿町3-25-22)




【後援】独立行政法人 日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)



15:30 – 15:35 Opening remarks


15:35 – 16:10 《講演》 Dr. John Brown   Chairman, Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult (UK)

“Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult : Building a Cell and Gene Therapy ecosystem in the UK”




16:10 – 16:45 《講演》 Dr. I. Mark Landy EVP and Chief Strategy Officer, MiMedx Group, Inc. (US)

“Evolution of amniotic tissue in the treatment of chronic wounds.”




16:45 – 17:05 Coffee Break


17:05 – 17:40 《講演》 Sean R Werner, PhD

Senior Director, General Manager Processing and Handling Solutions, COOK Regentec (US)

“Next generation cell and gene therapy manufacturing moving from academic to GMP manufacturing processes”



17:40 – 18:15  《講演》 Mr. Takeshi Hosoyama   Manager, Clinical Development, Miltenyi Biotec K.K. (Germany)



18:15 – 18:20 《講演》 Mr. SHIN-UK KWEON   President, CHA Medical Service Co., Ltd. (Korea)



18:20 – 18:30   Closing remarks


18:30 – 20:00   Networking Party



Dr. Hidetoshi Hoshiya Transactions manager-Asia & Oceania Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult

Mr. Takehito Itoh   Director, International Market Development MiMedx Group, Inc.


※ イベント終了後 18:30~交流会を開催します。(参加費お一人様2,500円)



※ご参加頂ける方は、以下の出欠連絡票を、RINK事務局 ( info@rink.kanagawa.jp ) までご返信ください。


━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 出欠連絡票 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━

  • 9月24日(火)  RINK World Seminar @LIC






公開フォーラム(15:30 – 18:30)              出席 ・ 欠席


ネットワーキングパーティ(18:30 – 20:00)    出席 ・ 欠席


